God judges His servants’ productiveness in service delivery principally in relation to their righteous commitment to work for His purpose than by lustful result-driven ambition. Let’s say for instance, God calls a minister ‘to save souls’ for His Kingdom. The minister decides to embark on intense fund-raising activities upon a commitment to build four churches each year to ‘save souls’ for God.
In the forgoing case, the question one might ask is this: does one need to build four churches each year to achieve the purpose of saving souls for God? Also, is the motivation to build the four churches influenced by a desire to gain membership for financial rewards and offerings, or to encourage the spiritual growth of God’s people?
As we think about these questions, we should consider that the intention or motivation behind the commitment to deliver a service for God’s purpose is more important than to achieve the result or purpose. This is because it would be against God’s standard to trust servants who seek to achieves His righteous purpose by unrighteous desires, conduct or means. Ministers should therefore align their desires and commitment within God’s purpose in righteousness as they seek productiveness in service delivery.
Next week by grace, we continue to examine the remaining traits for service trustworthiness including, spiritual maturity in the ways of God, and patience in waiting on God.
Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy goodness to all thy children.
We exalt you O God, far above all gods for your word is right, and all your works are done in truth.
Dear Lord, have mercy upon your servants and remove every contempt in our hearts. Let us be clothed with righteousness as we deliver your services to thy people.
Gracious Lord, incline our hearts to believe thy word and forsake not the works of thine own hand. Unite us in the body of Jesus Christ, the foundation of our faith.
Good Shepherd, send labourers for thine harvest and increase thy flock.
Holy Father, satisfy us with thy spiritual gifts and material provision for service.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a peaceful Sabbath.
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 04 March 2018.