Productiveness from God’s standpoint is assessed in relation to one’s assignment agreed upon with God by the calling than the length of service. In the parable of the labourers those who were hired first in the morning felt entitled to receive more wages than the labourers who were hired last. (Matthew 20:1-16). They were displeased that “those who were hired last worked only one hour but were made “equal unto [them] which have borne the burden and heat of the day”. (Matthew 20:12).
But the Lord answered them saying “…didst not thou agree with me for a penny?… Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?”. (Matthew 20:13-16). Apparently, God’s standards for assessing productiveness in service delivery is at variance with the standard of the disgruntled labourers in the following ways:
- First, as a covenant keeping God, He is more concerned with what was agreed regarding the service and the reward than by how long His servants have laboured.
- Second, God owns the ‘vineyard’ in which His ministers labour and the resources they need and use; therefore, he will do what He will with His own.
- Third, He is a good God and whatever he does in relation to the choice of His ministers, and their respective calling, must be viewed as goodwill rather than as “evil”.
Thus, to be trustworthy in the sight of God, Ministers must always focus on what they agreed with God to do of His purpose and on His promises to you. Consider also that the service you render is not yours but of God and for his purpose. Do not regard the calling or labour of fellow servants with an ‘evil eye’ such as with jealousy, envy, covetousness or spite but with goodwill and love.