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THE TRUST OF GOD (V):‘Trustworthiness & Service Anointing’ (I)

As you can see brethren, the purposes for the service anointing are designated by God; and they are to administer unto others on His behalf. The main purpose one can discern in the illustrations is a desire on the part of God to show that he has preferences and choices – ‘His will’ – to be done on the earth, independent of our own preference, choice and will.

 God’s preference and choice with regard to those He will use to carry out His will, and they who should benefit by it is not subject to debate, but rather to an agreement. In other words, God will never impose an assignment or responsibility on his chosen but will require that they are in agreement with Him to carry out the task or achieve the purpose; “for two cannot walk together, except they be agreed” (Amos 3:3). In other words, neither the chosen for service, nor they who are called to benefit can question the wisdom of God’s preference and choices.

 God therefore would desire and seek a level of trustworthiness in His “chosen” vessels or His “elects” to ensure that they are, able to perform his biddings from a spiritual stand point. For instance, those who carry an anointing for service for the purposes of God should demonstrate faithfulness to ‘mission’ – i.e. faithfulness to God’s word, his promises and purposes.

 They must also be productive in delivering the service to those for whom it is destined; and productive on behalf of Father God, the ultimate service provider – i.e. in the sense of accomplishing the specified task or plan to which they are assigned.

 Another requirement for trustworthiness that God will look for in those who work for him is a demonstration of spiritual maturity in the ways and methods of God. And a final aspect of trustworthiness of servants and ministers of God is the development of patience in waiting on the Lord.

 Next week by His grace, we will continue the other part of the message on service anointing to examine the respective traits of faithfulness to ‘mission’, productiveness in service delivery, spiritual maturity in the ways of God and patience in waiting on God. These will be looked at in relation to the examples of the various anointing and commissions of service identified above to assess the instance of  trustworthiness in carrying out the respective purposes of God.


Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy faithfulness to all thy children.

We thank you Lord for creating us and sustaining us upon the earth.

We Glorify you Dear Lord, for your goodness; and for fulfilling your purposes in the earth throughout all generations by disclosing your perfect will and secrets to mankind, including your ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Loving Father keep us all under your GRACE and help us to be trustworthy in your service

I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a Sabbath of Peace.

Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 03 February 2018.

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