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THE TRUST OF GOD (III): Trustworthiness:Character Building

 Brethren, like every good parent, Father God’s desire is not to withhold any good thing from his children. But He would need us to be reliable, honest, and responsible enough to deal with his gifts. This means that He may seek to prove our trustworthiness and build trustworthy characters in us in the areas we may be lacking.

 The traits that God considers in proving our trustworthiness include faithfulness, productiveness, growth and maturity, patience and perseverance. God’s test of faithfulness is met when we recognise God as the Almighty creator and his son Jesus Christ as our redeemer, and demonstrate diligence in our actions and duties while also considering the needs of others.

We may meet the requirements of productiveness by applying the talents that God has given us to be productive at every opportunity so that we may gain His trust to commit us over many things. God knows our capabilities. He will only afford us the things we could manage.

You could demonstrate growth and maturity in His ways by avoiding the indulgence in worldly ways of doing things. Endeavour through trials and setbacks to be patient and persevere for by so doing you develop in faith, experience, and invariably maturity.

Next week we will continue to examine these character-building traits in context of spiritual development for spiritual needs.


Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy faithfulness to all thy children.

Holy God, creator of heaven and earth we acknowledge thy dominion over us and are grateful for  the gift of your salvation through your son Jesus Christ.

Dearest loving Father, from whom no secrets are hid, guide your children in their endeavour to develop the traits of trustworthiness in the areas wherein you may deem them wanting. Grant them a humble heart to submit to your wisdom and your ways and fulfil all their heart desires.

I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a Sabbath of Peace.

Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 20 January 2018

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