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THE TRUST OF GOD (III): Trustworthiness:Character Building

God is our Father in Heaven. He is a good Father who loves his children and desires to give them good things. (Mark 10:18; Psalm 145:7; James 1:17; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Luke 11:11). In some ways, God possess similar disposition as our earthy parents in the expectations they may have in seeking to build a character of trustworthiness in their children.

For instance, when a child requests a gift, asks to work in the family business, or wishes to inherit as an heir etc, the child may be unaware of the ramifications of what they desire. They may also not be reliable, honest, or faithful enough and may lack the maturity to deal with the responsibility, situation, or thing they desire.

But a good parent would not get their child something they know may pose a danger to them nor encourage them in a path that may affect their personal development. So the parent may need to get the child something of lesser value or a lesser role to encourage them or to inspire their interest in it or to make them more responsible. This is how Father God relates to us as his children when we ask him for our desires.


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