Brethren, one might believe in God but fall short of trustworthiness on the part of God. He will seek to prove our loyalty when he gives us his promises, a responsibility or when we desire to serve him willingly. He assesses our trustworthiness by the specific instructions he may give us or by our own initiatives taken to further his purpose.
Also, God would only trust one with his promises and leadership if we are of humble spirit. God will exalt those who are humble and abase the proud look. He sets on high those who are lowly.
When we hear the word of God or his promise, we should not incline is to act on it according to our own understanding and ways of doing things. We must pay attention to the any instructions, plans, and methods and time frames that are set by God and act thereby. God’s ways of accomplishing his purposes may not always make sense to us but we should nonetheless adhere thereto. We may seek God to give us signs to encourage us or guide us, as we desire to walk in his ways.
Next week, we will continue to examine other aspects of trustworthiness involving physical development and spiritual development that may be required for God to trust us with material needs.
Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy faithfulness to all thy children.
Holy Father help thy people to be trustworthy in their walk with you. Embolden them to tear down all the idols and vanities in their lives and make their loyalty be to you above all else. Give them a humble heart gracious Father that their boast remain only in your power and strength.
Holy Spirit, give them a discerning heart to understand and pass their tests of trustworthiness and to attain to your promised blessings.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a Sabbath of Peace.
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 13 January 2018