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Let us also briefly consider perishable bread that does not give eternal life – the sign of the wilderness manna and the law. (Exodus 16; Deuteronomy 14 John 6:30-31).


Jesus explains that Moses did not give ‘that bread from heaven’, because the people who did feed by the desert or wilderness manna are dead (John 6:32; Psalm 78:31). He warns us not “to labour after” such ‘bread’ that perishes and does not give life. (John 6:27). The desert “flesh” and “feathered fowls” given after their own desire and lust brought them death (Exodus 16:8; Psalm 78:18 -31).

 What then is God’s purpose in the desert manna? First, “that [God] may prove [the people], whether they will walk in [His] law or no”(Exodus 16:4). The second purpose  is to humble them “that he might make [them] know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that [proceeds] out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live” (Deuteronomy 8:3; Mathew 4:4).

 So that the symbolism in the manna which the children of Israel eat in the wilderness was not an end, but a means to perfecting the peoples’ heart, and to convert their soul by faith in God’s power (Psalm 19.7). They must believe in what God can do by his power without their efforts.

 Note that the people were ordered to “go out and gather a certain rate [of manna] every day” (Exodus 16:4). This moderation by ‘daily collection’, and ‘constant rate’ was meant to wrought dependence upon God’s provisions. It is also why it was forbidden to keep the manna and it was kept it rot (Exodus 16:20). But the fact that the people had to “go out and gather” the manna, makes the desert manna unsustainable because it relied on their self-effort.


Also, the Law, like the manna is perishable, because it requires performance in obedience, but does not satisfy the soul or bring Salvation to the adherents. The observance of dietary laws (‘kasherut‘ or ‘Kosher‘) distinguishing ‘unclean’ from clean’ foods, for example do not confer salvation.

 Rather God’s purpose in it symbolises his power to save and cleanse any “unclean” – sinner or unbeliever – unto salvation as in the case of Cornelius’ conversion by Peter (see Act 10:15). Christ is therefore validated as our father’s true daily bread of heaven over the Law and the sign of the “manna in the wilderness because of its saving grace and life-giving propensity to those that receive him (Romans 7:4-6; John 1:17).


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