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Jesus teaches us to ask our Father God in prayer to give us this day our daily bread“(Matthew 6:11). One may assume in this prayer, a provision of material or physical food to satisfy our needs. But Jesus encourages us to, “take no thought for [our] life, what [we] shall eat, or what [we] shall drink; nor yet for [our] body, what [we] shall put on”(Matthew 6:25).

 He asks us not to seek these things as the unbelievers do, because “your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of all these things”. Instead one must “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6: 25; 32-33). The ‘kingdom of God, and his righteousness’ is the key to the supply of Father God’s daily bread; it is the source and value of our Father’s bread and its purpose that all God’s children must desire and seek.


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