Adam and Eve fell out with God because they chose to disobey God’s word, and ate the fruit of “the tree of knowledge of good and evil”, which God warned Adam specifically not to eat from or that he shall “surely die” (Genesis: 2:8-9 &15-17). The woman, Eve, believed Satan’s narrative that if she ate the fruit she “shall not surely die”, but “[her] eyes shall be opened, and [she] shall be as god, knowing good and evil”. (Genesis 3:4-6; Romans 6:12 & 21).
1.1. Disobedience trials and Spiritual Death
After mankind disobeyed God’s commandment, although they remained physically alive, yet became sinful, and their godly (living) spirit died, according to God’s word. They became steep in the “flesh” influenced by worldly desires as their eyes became opened to evil and Satan’s way of deceit and lies. (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:4-6, 11 & 22-24; Romans 8:1-4; John 8:44).
Under the curse of death, mankind became disconnected from the living Spirit of Father God. Though made as “god” mankind fell like Satan and became exposed to evil and “disobedient spirit” and “children of disobedience” and worldliness (Psalm 82:6; Ephesians 2:2).
The imagination and thoughts of Mankind’s heart became continually evil (Genesis 6:5). ‘Sight’ or lusts and desires of the flesh and material satisfaction are key feeders for disobedience to God’s words, and remains a constant trial for all mankind in our relationship with God even today. To be flesh in mind is enmity against God, so that “they that are in the flesh cannot please God”. (Romans 1:24; 8:7-8).
1.2. Israel’s Spiritual “whoredom and God’s Mercies”
After the fall of Adam and Eve, the state of mankind’s relationship to God is in constant crises. Mankind is symbolised as the “children of Israel”, whom according to the prophet Hosea , is like “a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms”, because “the land hath committed great whoredom, in departing from the Lord. (Hosea 1:2-). God uses the symbolism of Hosea’s daughter – called “Loruhamah”, to impress His resentment of Israel’s “whoredom” in departing from Him, declaring “I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away” (Hosea 1:6).
Brethren consider that by this analogy, (of Israel as wife and children of whoredom), God being a Spirit, especially alludes to the disobedient spirit of mankind. He will search the heart, test the mind and the Spirit will search all things, even the deep things of God. (Jeremiah 1 Corinthians 2:10). After the fall of Adam, man’s spirit continues to lust after the “flesh” and influences of material satisfaction, and worldly wisdom, and holding an evil heart against his ways. (Ecclesiastes 9:3; Luke 6:45; 1 Corinthians 3:19; Matthew 15:18-20). Such in spiritual death will no longer enjoy the “mercy” or forbearance of God; as He promises to utterly take these evil and vile spirits away.
However, God’s “tender mercies are over all his works” and He endures disobedience “that he might make known the riches of his glory [in] mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory”. (Psalm: 145:9; Romans 9:22-23). Therefore, he chooses “the house of Judah” on which He will show his glory in mercy and will save by His own strength.
He declares: “But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the Lord their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen”. (Hosea 1:6-7). In other words, by Judah, God will show his power to redeem mankind’s spirit from evil, “whoredom” and worldly lusts unto himself.
1.3. Forsaken Israel will Restore as “sons of God” in Spirit
Through another symbolism in the name of Hosea’s “son” named “Loammi” God explains his relationship with the fallen world, depicted as the “departed” people of Israel. “Loammi” means “for ye are not my people, [or nation] and I will not be your God”. This expresses or exemplifies the separation of God from mankind since the disobedience and the fall of Adam.
But God in His faithfulness and mercies considers that “the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered” for them to be utterly “cast of forever” or for Him to shut up His tender mercies (Hosea 1: 10; Psalm 77:7-9). So he resolves according to His mercies, “that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God”.(Hosea 1:10; John 1:12).
Accordingly God’s plan is to redeem and reconcile mankind’s physical being with His Spiritual power to have a perfect relationship with a Spiritual God. He declares: “Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land” (Hosea 1:11).
In other words, “the children of Judah” (symbolising the saved Spirit of man); and “the children of Israel” (symbolising the saved Man or body), shall be gathered together [i.e. the body and Spirit], and appoint themselves one head (Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God), and they shall come up out of the land, (i.e be saved or redeemed).