Jesus believed he was the “Son of God” and was seeking God diligently. After his baptism, he was “full of the Holy Ghost” and he undertook to fast for forty days and nights. The “tempter” desired to snare Jesus when he heard the declaration of his Sonship. “Jesus [was] led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil” and he was also with “the wild beasts”. (Matthew 4:1 Luke 4:1-2; Mark 1:13).
Satan used the word of God deceitfully to get Jesus to obey him, daring him saying “If thou be the Son of God”. (Matthew 4:1-10). For example, he asked Jesus to “fall down and worship him” in return “for all the kingdoms [and power] of the world, and the glory of them”. (Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:5-7). Some of his Jewish folks also disputed his sonship, and took up stones to stone him for saying: “I am the Son of God”. (John 10:30-31&39).
Brethren, like Jesus, Satan could try your faith when you become a “Son of God” as a believer. (John 1:12-13). He would offer you fleshly desires, distorted scripture and vain glory to trap you. Yet as Jesus, you would be able to remain steadfast in faith and to rely on the written word of God to avoid Satan’s snares. (John 10:34-36; Matthew 4:4-10).