Brethren, the point to stress in concluding is that if you claim to love and believe in God, be aware that your faith will be tried to assess the state of your belief from the heart and your diligent seeking of God in relation to your trial. God could allow you to face a very robust and fiery opposition or affliction. Believers and unbelievers alike could face faith trials to purge them when they fall, or to save their souls and bring them to place of spiritual wealth. One may (or may not) be able to tell the season or the time when Father God may choose to allow your faith to be tested by ‘precious trials. Nonetheless, “watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” unawares. (Mark 14:38)
Next week we will continue the message, as we examine specific purposes of God in trying the faith of his chosen beginning with trials of faith for the cross, ministry and discipleship.
Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy mercy to all thy children.
We acknowledge thy great goodness in giving us your son Jesus Christ as the living example of your “divine nature” and of thy ways.
We Praise You for dispensing the power of Your Holy Spirit to reveal unto us your deep secrets and mysteries.
Holy Father, we pray for divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your abundant grace in Jesus Christ; that we may become more like Christ as we serve in your vineyard.
Dear Lord, deliver us from worldly lusts and renew our minds in righteousness.
Please Father, strengthen our resolve and sharpen our spiritual ability in seasons of temptation; that we may not miss the lessons that may qualify our testimonies for your Glory.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a blessed Sabbath.
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 24 March 2018.