It is usual for people to claim that they have faith in God and that they would do anything to please him. Some express their faith out of the fear of God, some out of love, or religious conviction, or in hope for some unfulfilled desires. But God does not just take our words and conduct, including our religious practices or acts of kindness to justify our faith. He will therefore test and prove our faith.
This series on “Precious Trials of faith”, should help you to understand the nature of faith trials and the purposes of God in trying our faith, the ways in which faith may be tested and how we might sustain or overcome trials and invariably enhance our spiritual growth.
The purposes of faith trials that the series addresses include: trials for Christ’s ministry and discipleship, trials for righteousness sake, trials for salvation to establish a faith relationship, and trials for correction.
Ultimately it shows that as challenging as trials may be, they are precious audits that ensure a more perfect spiritual relationship with God.
This first part explains the concept of faith and the importance of the heart in expressing faith and dealing with trials. It also examines the nature of faith trials including the essence of fiery trials, related blessings and the role of the ‘Spirit of Faith’ in it.
In spite of what we say and claim to do in his name, religiously or otherwise, God can allow difficult situations to confront us to try our faith in Him.
“But without faith, it is impossible to please [God]”. (Hebrew 11:6). He knows that people live amid deceit and swear by His Name, and make mention of God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness and do not truly know Him or have faith in Him. (Jeremiah 9:6; Isaiah 48:1).
So how can one exercise the “faith” that is pleasing to God? To achieve this, “[one] that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”. In other words, a faith the pleases God requires that you believe that He is God and that He rewards those who seek him earnestly. (Hebrew 11:6).
Thus, the principal ingredient of faith is ‘believing’ and ‘diligent seeking’ of God. The heart then is very important in assessing our faith “for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness” (Romans 10:10). As the “fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold [the] Lord trieth the hearts to prove our faith in him. (Proverbs 17:3)
God does visit his people to prove their heart to cleanse it from unfaithfulness. The nature of faith trials is depicted by fire and smelting processes, suggesting that such trials are extremely difficult and trying. God declares that he will not refine his chosen with silver, but “in the furnace of affliction”. There, He “will melt them, and try them” and “the fire will prove the quality of each man’s work” of faith. (Psalm 66:10; Isaiah 48:10; Jeremiah 9:7;1 Corinthians 3:13).
According to the prophet Malachi, God Himself will oversee the trying process. “[He] will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify [his people] and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the LORD offerings in righteousness”(Malachi 3:3).
Consider however that God is faithful and would not suffer you to be tried beyond what you are able; and He may make a way for you to escape so that you are able to bear the trials (1 Corinthians 10:13)
The essence of the fiery trials is to refine your heart as silver is refined and to try you as gold is tried that you shall call and rely on God as your LORD in truth; and He shall hear you and call you his people. God shall let believers with understanding fall, to refine them, purge and purify them, and to make them “white”, even in the time of the end. (Zechariah 13:9; Daniel 11:35 & 12:10)
The fiery afflictions is not meant to destroy your faith. It works instead to develop your perseverance, patience and to make your faith resilient; that when you are tried you may come forth as gold. (Job 23: 10; James 1:3).
Yet the fiery trial of one’s heart of faith is much more precious than gold which is vanity and can perish. Also, unlike gold, the trial of the human heart is precious because one that endures God’s trials of faith is blessed. (Peter 1:7).
Examples of fiery afflictions for which blessings entail include: blessing for they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake; those which men revile and persecute; situations in which people say all manner of evil against you falsely for the sake of Jesus Christ; and those which shall be hated by all men for His Name.
The specific blessings attached for those who endure these trials include, the possession of “the kingdom of heaven”, salvation, and a “great reward in heaven”. (Matthew 5:10-12)
Generally, however, by being tried and enduring patiently, you do seek for honour, praise, glory, immortality and eternal life at the appearing of Jesus Christ. You shall, receive the crown of life, which God has promised those that love him (Romans 2:7; Peter 1:7; James 1:12).
Therefore “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations” and endeavour to “rejoice, and be exceeding glad” (James 1:3; Matthew 5:12)
‘Faith’ itself is a ‘fruit of the Spirit’ (Galatians 5:22). The fact that faith trials are to test the state of one’s heart in their profession of belief in God, puts the exercise of faith in times of trial beyond the physical to a spiritual level.
So that as one continues to believe from the heart in the power of God, and seek him with diligence when one undergoes trials, the ‘Spirit of Faith’ works. It becomes the victory that overcomes the world” or the affliction. How does it do this? It instils in you supernatural confidence in God’s words and power and enables you to stand by them unfeigned (1 John 5:4; 1 Corinthians 1:19-20 & 24; Hebrew 11).
Also, since the trials of our heart proves the commitment of our love of God, the “Spirit of Faith” works by the unfeigned love of God in those going through fiery trials, which Spirit empowers them to show resilient faithfulness to God by bearing all things, believing all things, hoping in all things, and enduring all things. (1 Corinthians 13:7; Galatians 5:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:3).
The “Spirit of faith” will align our belief in God with what we say. That is, as we believe so we will speak Knowing that the spirit of God which raised up the Lord Jesus from death, shall raise us up also by Jesus through trials. (2 Corinthian 4:13-14)
Brethren, the point to stress in concluding is that if you claim to love and believe in God, be aware that your faith will be tried to assess the state of your belief from the heart and your diligent seeking of God in relation to your trial.
God could allow you to face a very robust and fiery opposition or affliction. Believers and unbelievers alike could face faith trials to purge them when they fall, or to save their souls and bring them to place of spiritual wealth.
One may (or may not) be able to tell the season or the time when Father God may choose to allow your faith to be tested by ‘precious trials. Nonetheless, “watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” unawares. (Mark 14:38)
Next week we will continue the message, by examining specific purposes of God in trying the faith of his chosen. We will begin with trials of faith for the cross, and then for ministry and discipleship.
Almighty God, thank you for your word and for thy mercy to all thy children.
We acknowledge thy great goodness in giving us your son Jesus Christ as the living example of your “divine nature” and of thy ways.
We Praise You for dispensing the power of Your Holy Spirit to reveal unto us your deep secrets and mysteries.
Holy Father, we pray for divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding of your abundant grace in Jesus Christ; that we may become more like Christ as we serve in your vineyard.
Dear Lord, deliver us from worldly lusts and renew our minds in righteousness.
Please Father, strengthen our resolve and sharpen our spiritual ability in seasons of temptation; that we may not miss the lessons that may qualify our testimonies for your Glory.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a blessed Sabbath.
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG), 24 March 2018.