We can attribute to the Centurion a spiritual faith; to the father of the demon-possessed a religious faith; and to Cornelius both a general Godly faith and the gift of faith for salvation. The relational effect of all the three faith expressions is that others are saved or healed. Let us now examine some key principles in these expressions:
4.1 Seeking Deliverance from Evil or Healing For Others
a) Overcome “Unbelief”
When the disciples asked Jesus privately why they could not cast the deaf and dumb spirit out of the Man’s son, he said “because of your unbelief”. Unbelief could be induced by fear of something, or our desire to see, understand, or interpret situations from a human sense. It could also trigger when we focus on ourselves to achieve a result rather than consider all things from the ability and power of God.
One might ask, how could Jesus’ disciples have unbelief having witnessed so many miracles? On one occasion, for instance, while on a ship at night they were afraid because they supposed they had seen a “spirit” when Jesus was walking on the sea; and were “amazed” and “wondered” when he got into the ship and the wind ceased (Mark 6:41 & 48-50).
Believers should be aware that fear and/or amazement at the power of God to do a thing is a catalyst for “unbelief” that could hinder one from operating in the power of God for deliverance or healing. Therefore, unlike the disciples in that case, we should endeavour to consider the miracles that Jesus did, to enable our faith and we would not be afraid or surprised by anything, nor nurture a “hardened heart” (Mark 6:51-52; Romans 3:8).
b) Have Faith in God and Authority of word
Jesus tells the disciples that the antidote for ‘unbelief is to “have faith as a grain of mustard seed”. With this faith, one shall command things to be and they shall be, “and nothing shall be impossible unto you”. You shall even “say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove” (Matthew 17:20; also 11:22).
Brethren, one can have faith in God and command things on authority of Jesus’ word to seek deliverance for others. “Faith in God” is not to have “doubt in [your] heart” and to “believe that those things which one [says] shall come to pass [and you] shall have whatsoever [you say]” (Matthew 11: 22-23).
Jesus commanded, the dumb and deaf spirit saying “I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him” and it was done. Also, the centurion expressed faith in Jesus’ word saying, “speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed”. However, note that Jesus spoke the word, not to the servant’s illness, but to the Centurions belief for healing saying “Go thy way…as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee” (Matthew 8:5-8; Luke 7:6-7).
Seeing something that one knows or believes is not faith; but to believe in something you have not perceived, understood, or known but hope for is faith. Therefore a believing in God’s power from the heart, in hope and confidence is effortless in measure as ‘a grain of mustard seed’ than a believing from the head.
c) Faith in authority of the Name of Jesus
Believers should be aware that casting out devils in the name of Jesus is one of the signs Jesus promised would belong to those that believe (Mark 16:17). The seventy whom Jesus sent to minister in cities, “returned … saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name” and believers are known to have used Jesus’ name to drive out spirits or heal the sick (Luke 10:17; Acts 16:18; Acts 4:30).
In fact, worth mentioning is the case where John the disciple said to Jesus “we saw “one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us”, Jesus said unto him, “forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us”(Luke 9:49-50). The power that comes with USING THE NAME OF JESUS TO CAST OUT DEVILS IS AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO BELIEVE IN THE SPECIFIC ATTRIBUTE OF JESUS’ POWER TO DELIVER regardless of creed or denomination or religious background or standing.
So to claim deliverance for others requires ‘faith in God’ and the ‘word’ or ‘utterance’ spoken in authority upon the faith in the name of Jesus without ‘unbelief’.
But it works the same to believe from the heart in the Lord and confess such power in the name of Jesus one’s own deliverance unto salvation, which deliver us from the bondage of sin and death, the great evil that engulfs the heart of all those who remain under the influence of the power of this world. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Joel 2:3; Isaiah 11:11; Romans 10:13)
d) Deliverance by Prayer and Fasting
Also consider that even though one may have the “faith of God” or have the power and authority to cast out demons in name of Jesus Christ, certain type of evil spirits may require prayer and fasting to cast it out. Speaking of the ‘deaf and dumb spirit’ that afflicted the man’s son, Jesus said “Howbeit this kind [go] not out but by prayer and fasting”(Matthew 17: 21; Mark 9: 29). One may therefore need the guidance of the Holy Spirit on the nature of the undertaken when faced with the task to deliver others from evil Spirits.
4.2 Relational Faith Delivers unto Salvation
Cornelius’ faith expression reveals the ultimate purpose and plan of God in relational faith. That is, to give the gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit to the non-Jewish faithful and to unify His people under one fellowship in Jesus Christ. Note that before Peter met Cornelius, “it [was] unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation”.
However through a vision of a vessel let down to the earth from heaven containing all sort of beasts, creeping things, and fowls of the air, which Peter was thrice, told to “kill” and “eat” God “shewed [Peter] that [he] should not call any man common or unclean” (Acts 10:9-17 and 27-28).
The symbolism in the “kill” and ‘eat’ here is relational in terms of believing that God has made good in Jesus the sacrifice to bring us into a relationship with him. And the ‘beasts’, ‘creeping things’ and ‘fowls of the air’ symbolise God’s diverse nations which were separated from Israel, but which must be united in one faith, through Jesus.
“God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him” (Acts 10:34-35). Thus He sent Peter to share the gospel with Cornelius and his gentile people and they were saved and anointed by the Holy Ghost, and baptized “in the name of the Lord”(Acts 10:45-47: Acts 2:21).
I therefore urge unbelievers and their relations who are yet to make Jesus you Lord, to seek the gift of salvation, which would bring you into fellowship with him through the communion of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is unto [Israel], and to [his] children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call (Acts 2:39) Hallelujah!
Almighty Father, thank you for your word and your gift of faith to thy children.
We praise You O God for your mercies and compassion that endureth forever.
Dear Lord we command deliverance for our families, friends, and relatives to overcome oppression of evil spirits, bondage of addictions and infirmities IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
Holy Father, sanctify their faith to believe and trust in thy power and grant that nothing material and spiritual be impossible to them. Give them the gift of Salvation and pour your Holy Spirit upon them according to Thy Grace and Truth.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a blessed Sabbath!
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG) 06 October 2017.