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There was a devout man called Cornelius, one that feared God with his entire household. He gave alms usually, prayed always, and had good report among the Jews. He had a vision in which an angel of God told him his “prayers and [his] alms are come up for a memorial before God”. He told him to send to Joppa and call Peter who will tell him what to do (Acts 10:1-6). What is the substance of his faith?

After the angel departed Cornelius,  called three men among his household servants and a devout soldier and sent them to Joppa to fetch Peter By the time the men got to Joppa, the Spirit told Peter that Cornelius’ men sought him, and that he must not doubt but arise and go with them (Acts 10:7-8 & 18-20). Cornelius called together “all his kinsmen and near friend” and the waited for Peter. He fell down and to worship Peter who forbade him to do so (Acts 10:24-25).

He gathered “all [to be] present before God, to hear all things that are commanded [to Peter] of God” (Acts 10:33). Peter preached the gospel that “…through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins”. The Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word and he his household began speaking in tongues and magnified God (Acts 10:34-45). And Peter commanded that Cornelius and all his people be baptized “in the name of the Lord” (Acts 10:45-47)

Cornelius’ faith could manifest where a person who is devout in their belief, is obedient to a revelation that require him to hear the gospel of the faith of Christ for salvation. And upon their love for God, they believe and lead family and friends receive Christ.


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