Several symbolism and similitude derive from the vows of Jacob and Hannah that reveal the purpose of God to bring salvation unto the rest of the world. Let us now consider these:
a) Israel: God’s Pillars on Earth that Bless the World
Jacob is named “Israel”, after whom the “children of Israel” derive the Judaic laws of faith in God (Genesis 35:10). In his dream, Jacob’s sees the ladder connecting heaven and earth with angels going up and down it, with God at the top. God tells him “the LAND whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed…;” and “all the families of the earth” shall be blessed by Israel (1 Samuel 28:13).
Jacob discerns by revelation the symbolism of the promised “land” thus: surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not… this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven”(1 Samuel 28:16-17). The “land”, the “place”, “house of God” and the “pillar anointed with oil’ all have a spiritual dimension. It signifies the relationship, which God establishes with Israel as the “pillar” and upon which the rest of the ‘families of the earth’ would come to faith in God; and by which to receive salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit by special relationship through belief in Jesus, the promise of Israel.
b) JESUS: the Spiritual “Pillar” “Ladder” and “Gate” to God
The Pillar/stone relationship of Israel was revealed in the ‘Tablets of the covenant’ laws; and fulfilled in the relationship of spiritual faith by belief in Jesus, the “cornerstone” (1Peter 2:6). The gospel faith is the “rock” against which the gates of hell cannot prevail (Matthew 16:18). ALL believers also “as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1Peter 2:5; Isaiah 42:1 Ephesians 2:20-22). This means that believers have to be ministers of Christ to unbelieving Jews and gentiles and brethrens of other faiths “in the priestly service of the gospel of God” so that they may become, “acceptable offering to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:16).
Also, Jesus is Jacob’s “ladder” and “gate to heaven” and fulfils the spiritual connection or relationship between Israel, and God’s children of the earth. By Him “if any man enters in [His gate] he shall be saved …” (John 10:9). He is the shepherd of Israel’s sheep who seeks to bring “other sheep” outside the fold of Israel (and its laws) to “hear his voice”; and to “be one fold, and one shepherd” with Israel (John 10:16).
Herein is the vow by which Israel bound himself in a relationship “to make [the Almighty God] his God” and build him house and thereby to bless “all the families of the earth” in his lineage (Genesis 28:20-22: Romans 11:11-27).
c) Israel’s ‘ Portions’ and God’s ‘Worthy Portion’
Peninnah’s children were given ‘portions’ of God’s offering and the barren Hannah was given a “worthy portion” because Elkanah loved her. Peninnah’s ‘portions’ for her sons and daughters represent the faith in the Judaic laws and sacrifices ordained for the children of Israel to meet the standard of righteousness by God until the coming of Christ. Hannah’s barrenness represents the world that was shut up in the darkness of sin and bondage having no hope of salvation (1 Samuel 2:8; Luke 1:52).
But the “worthy portion” given to Hannah, out of “love” represents the love of God for the world, for which he gave the “worthy lamb” that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). The “worthy Lamb” redeems those who believe on him, from the burden of the laws, unto righteousness that is by the faith of Jesus Christ – the “portion of our inheritance” (Revelation 5:6&9; Psalm16:5). This is the symbolism in Hannah vowing her son to the service of God.
6. NEGOTIATE THE VOW OF VOWS – Love and Submit to God