Hezekiah negotiates with God on the faith of his good deeds; that he has “walked before [God] in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in [God’s] sight”(2 Kings 20:5-8-11; Isaiah 38:7-8). This standard – ‘truth’, ‘perfect heart’ and ‘goodness’ – makes tough negotiation terms to claim good deed. This is because, God alone is goo; and the heart of man is nothing but evil; and Truth comes by Jesus Christ. (Mark 10:18: Genesis 6:5; John 1:17 & 14:16).
However, believers are empowered to negotiate by the faith of Jesus Christ who is now the standard of righteousness of God and who makes intercessions for us according to the will of God (Romans 3:21–22; and 8:27 & 34). You can rely on the love of God that is made manifest in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by and use the words of Christ and the promises of God to negotiate your vow unto God in the name of Jesus.