Hannah and Peninnah were wives of Elkanah. Peninnah had Children but Hannah had none children. Elkanah went with his wives to the house of God in Shiloh yearly to worship and sacrifice unto God. When he offered, he gave to Peninnah and to all her Children portions but to Hannah he gave “a worthy portion” because he loved her (1 Samuel 1:1-5). Year on year when she went up to Shiloh, Peninnah provoked her because God had shut up her womb; and she wept, and did not eat (1 Samuel 1:6-7). How did Hannah express her faith?
She prayed, and wept and vowed a vow unto the LORD: She said if God will consider her affliction and give her a son, she would give the boy unto the Lord all the days of his life to be a Nazarene (1 Samuel 1:8-11). Eli the priest scolded her thinking she was drunk because she spoke in her heart.
But she told him she was not drunk, but had had only poured out her soul in complaint and grief before the LORD. When Eli blessed her petition and bade her go in peace Hannah was no longer sad and she eat (1 Samuel 1:13-18). She later conceived and bore Samuel and took him up to the house of the Lord in honour of her vow and gave praise to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:20; and 2:1-10).
Hannah’s faith could manifest in situations where one desires a specific favour from God to address a reproach that causes distress in the soul and spirit; and bind oneself by a vow to reward God for the favour.