The three expressions also give us a spiritual dimension to the faith by works in Jesus Christ. Speaking to the Woman at the well, Jesus distinguishes between “living water” and Jacob’s well water describing the former as the “gift of God”. The “living water” is a spiritual life in Christ that is new with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Those who believe and confess Jesus as the Christ become sons of God, ‘born again’ of the spirit, not of the flesh or blood or will of man (John 1:12-13). Believers are thus equipped to be true worshipers of God in spirit and truth. The spirit of God is given to believers that we return not into bondage after we are saved by his grace (Romans 6:6 & 18).
But more importantly, the Spirit of God unifies believers as “one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope” (Ephesians 1:3). The Spirit bridges the divide that was maintained by the Judaic tradition where Jews had no dealings with Samaritans or other nations (John 4:6-9; Ephesians: 2. 13). Also, we see that the woman was emboldened to preach the gospel to men, a thing that was culturally forbidden. Similarly, according to Jesus, Jerusalem is no longer the preferred place for worship of God, who only seeks people to worship him in spirit and truth; something that can be done anywhere.
Indeed, according to Jesus, unlike Samaritans, the Jews know whom they serve and “salvation is of the Jews”! The distinction in the faiths between Jews and other nations was thereby necessary to maintain to bring the rest of the nations to the knowledge of the one God almighty, until the manifestation of the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to the Jews first, and then the rest of the nations (Romans 10:12 and 1:16).
Almighty Father, thank you for your word and your gift of faith to thy children.
We thank you O Christ for the finished work on the cross by which thy people are sanctified through belief, not works of the law or the flesh.
Dear Lord, help thy Children to believe in your grace and to access it by faith that thou has sealed in the Christ. Holy Spirit, empower them to mortify their flesh and to submit to your guidance to do thy bidding and keep their hearts in hope and peace.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Sabbath Shalom!
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG) 22 September 2017.