Children of God, we should follow the example of the sick man to work by faith in our spirit. On the strength of belief in Jesus to cure him, he was led through the roof to access Jesus and obtain his healing. This “work” depicts an act in the ‘spirit’ to further his belief. ‘Faith by works’ should be the spiritual manifestation of one’s faith supported by the actions one take to demonstrate the strength of your faith. Otherwise the faith alone without works is dead (James 2:18-20). It is like the adage, “to put your heart and soul in something”.
In this sense therefore “a man is justified by works and not by faith only” (James 2:24). Thus we see that “when Jesus saw their faith,[mixed with work as they came through the roof] he said unto the sick [man] Son, thy sins be forgiven thee” arise and walk. Note that “as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:18-26). One would need to avoid, doubt and hesitation for the works by faith in the spirit to be effective.
b) Faith by Works in Flesh does not Sanctify God