Jesus was in a house at Capernaum, and many people had gathered to hear him preach “and the power of the Lord was present to heal them” (Mark 2:2; Luke 5:17) The place was very crowded. Some men carried a in a bed a man that was sick with palsy and had come to bring the sick to Jesus. “When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick [man] Son, thy sins be forgiven thee”; and to arise and take his bed and walk; and the man arose immediately, took up the bed, and walked before the entire crowd (5:24; Mark 2:7 & 12). What was the strength of this faith?
The men had carried the sick man all the way in order to meet Jesus. When they could not find a way to bring the man into the house because of the multitude, they went up the roof, break it and let down the bed with the sick man before Jesus (Mark 2:4; Luke 5:19). This work of their faith moved Jesus heal him. He obeyed Jesus, when commanded to arise, take his bed, and go to his house. He glorified God as he departed to his own house (Mark 2:11-12; Luke 5:25-26)..
This faith could manifest in situations where one beliefs to achieve a particular result and acts upon their beliefs inspired so to act by conviction of the their spirit and moves them to take or support such actions