Jesus was in a city of Samaria by a parcel of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph on which there was Jacob’s well. While Jesus sat on the well the Samaritan Woman came to draw water. Jesus asked her to give him to drink but she said, “how is it that thou, being a Jew, [ask] drink of me …a woman of Samaria? For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans”(John 4:6-9).
Jesus said to her “If [you know] the gift of God, and who it is that [says] to thee, give me to drink; [you would] have asked of him, and he would have given [you] living water” (John 4:10). She asked where Jesus would get “that living water” from and whether he was greater than Jacob who had given them the well.
Jesus told her “Whosoever [drinks] of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life”. (John 4:13-14)
How did she express her faith? When Jesus told her of his “living water”, she believed and said “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not [or come here] to draw” (John 4:15). After Jesus prophesied about her husbands, she acknowledged he was a prophet and asked if Jerusalem was the preferred place were men ought to worship instead of the mountains of Samaria (John 4:16-20). Jesus told her that” the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth … GOD IS A SPIRIT: AND THEY THAT WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH” (John 4:22-24).
She confessed faith in Christ the Messiah that was to come (John 4:25). When Jesus identified himself as the messiah, she left her water pot and went to the city and told the men to come and see the Christ (John 4:29).
This faith expression could manifest in situations where a person in a religious faith hears the gospel and believes by conviction, and willingly gives up religious or cultural beliefs to receive the faith of Jesus Christ and confesses it to others.