a) Discerning a ‘Belief’ Structure
From the forgoing, we could suggest that Abraham’s expression is of the ‘general Godly faith’ in which ‘belief’ constructs on the fear of God and a direct relationship (Genesis 12-1-4).
The Woman’s expression could liken the ‘spirit of faith’ enabling resilient confidence in God’s power to bear and do all things (Galatians 5:5; 1 Corinthians 12:9). The Man’s faith expresses as the ‘born again’ gift of faith for salvation, made available by God for all who would believe, to enable them obtain salvation by confessing that JESUS IS LORD (Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrew 12:2).
Believers desiring to establish a solid frame for faith should identify a belief structure that either obtains from a direct and personal relationship with God or is inspired by the revelation of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
b) Make Belief In Faith by Aligning Thoughts, Words, and Actions
In order to perfect the belief in one’s faith in God, you need to align how and what you think, with what you say and what you do to demonstrate that belief to achieve results. When the Woman with the issue of blood “heard” about Jesus, she contemplated what she needed to do with the opportunity that Jesus presented by being in her area.
She targets her faith to take advantage of the power of Jesus to get healing by touching his clothes and she breached all religious protocol to demonstrate her belief by going out and touching his clothes. Also, note that the broad target of the woman’s faith was Jesus, but the action point of her belief to trigger her healing seems small – to touch his clothes. The measure of her belief was as small “as a grain of mustard seed” but the thought, word, and action were perfectly aligned and steadfast to bring about her healing (Luke 17:6).
Please contemplate on the opportunities that belief in Jesus presents and what you could do with them. Let your knowledge of God’s word be “mixed with faith” to your “profit” in the finished works of Christ (Hebrew 4:2-3 & 6; Mark 5:34).
c) ‘Belief’ Enhances Courage in Faith
Belief is a courage booster! Both the ‘issue’ Woman and the blind Man demonstrated exemplary courage in their faith expressions because of their conviction or belief. For example, the belief that she would be healed if she could touch Jesus, boosted her courage to go out at grave risk, since a woman with issue of blood was deemed ‘unclean’ and by the custom, was to be separated (Leviticus 15:19 &25;). Similarly, the restoration of the blind Man’s sight and his faith in Jesus encouraged his resolve against the threats from the Jewish religious authorities (John 9:13-17 & 22; John 9:30-33).
Belief in faith is the truth that all brethren should covet to afford them courage in the expression of your faith.
d) ‘Belief’ Counts as Righteousness in Faith
Most people tend to have ‘faith’ in God, that He is almighty. But often, people also have difficulty ‘believing’ (as opposed to ‘accepting’) that God can do certain things especially when it does not make sense to us or is not proven. It may seem nonsense to think one could have children as many as the stars; or that a touch of Jesus clothes could heal disease of flow of blood, or that the ‘mud and spittle’ ointment followed by a dip in a pool could cure blindness. But all the faith expressions have the element of belief in God’s word as the manifestation of righteousness.
Note that by the righteousness sought in the observance of laws, could no man be justified unto eternal life. This is because the “people honor [God] with their lips, but their hearts are far from [him] (Isaiah 29:13 Mark 7:6-7). It is also quite feasible for observance of laws to be influenced more by duty and obligation than by ‘belief’ or conviction. Therefore now, the “the righteousness of God” is that witnessed by the law and the prophets; “which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference” (Romans 3:21-22).
This is the symbolism in the issue Woman and the blind Man who, under the law, would be regarded as ‘unclean’ and a ‘sinner’ and separated or cast out without hope (Leviticus 15:19 &25; John 9:1-3 & 34-35). But because of their belief in Jesus both obtain the righteousness of God by faith. Similarly, the faith relationship alone of Abraham did not yield him righteousness, until he ‘believed’ God’s promise in something so illogical – have seed as many as the stars – that it was counted unto him for righteousness (Genesis 15:5-6). Therefore people of God, we need to ‘believe’ in Jesus as God’s ‘Word’ and promise as a condition for righteousness and a means to achieving our desires and expectations from God.
e) ‘Belief’ Is Key to Salvation Grace
Belief is the key to ‘Salvation Grace’ that cleanses from sin and delivers from death. This is the larger symbolism in the faith expressions to consider. The ‘Woman’ had ‘an issue of blood’ for twelve years.
This ‘Woman’ symbolises ‘Eve’, “the mother of all living” (Genesis 2:23 &3:20).The issue of ‘blood’ condition represents the ‘life’ of all Eve’s children who are in darkness of the sin of the world and spiritual death (Leviticus 17:14). The Woman’s condition over 12 years also symbolises the 12 tribes of Israel, who are specially purposed by God to ‘bring forth the ‘seed’ promise to Abraham that would bring Salvation Grace to ‘light the world’ as the stars of the sky.
Bur the sinful condition must be atoned for by blood. Therefore the woman touching Jesus to become “whole” was a foreshadowing of the power of atonement for sins in Christ, whose “life in the blood”, God hath given us upon the altar to make atonement for the soul (Leviticus 17:11).
This would also explain why Jesus does not regard the blind Man’s condition as deriving from sin as is customary, “but that the works of God should be made manifest in him”; by Christ, the “Light of the world” (John 9:1-3).
Next point to think about is the Woman and the ‘physicians’ treatment which only worsened her condition and is abandoned (Luke 8:43). The ‘physicians’ treatment symbolises the law and own effort which cannot deliver from bondage of sin and spiritual death. The meaning here is that Salvation Grace is not consequent upon works, but by faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore the woman, like the blind man, believes and seeks Jesus who can cleanse from sin, and thereby they are sanctified by that faith (John 9:35). And the ‘virtue’ flowing from Jesus to the Woman upon her contact with his clothes mirrors the dispensation of the Holy Spirit available to all who believe (Luke 8:46).
Almighty Father, thank you for your word and your gift of faith to thy children.
Loving Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant thy children who sit in darkness deliverance through salvation Grace.
Holy Spirit, wisdom of God, help thy Children to understand your word and promises in Jesus Christ; align their words and actions therewith to enhance belief in their faith; and make that the desires of their hearts and their expectations in life be filled.
I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Sabbath Shalom!
Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG) 15 September 2017.