We continue the series examining selected biblical expressions of faith relating to faith relationship with God, faith in challenge, ‘belief’ in faith, faith by works, negotiated faith, relational faith, and humble faith. The aim is to provide insight into the operation of the faith in God. Last week we looked at faith relationship with God involving the faith expressions of Job’s fear of God and affliction, Abraham forsaking of all for the love of God and Mary (mother of Jesus) submitting her life for the life of God’s son.
This message covers expressions of ‘Faith in Challenge’ involving the faith of David winning in God’s name, King Jehoshaphat of Judah praising to victory, and Apostle Paul’s (Saul) faith passions to save religion and souls. It also entails suggestions on how to develop or strengthen one’s faith such as to challenge the faith not the adversary, to align faith passions with God, to overcome fear, to use tools of faith – prayer, praise, and prophecy and the conviction that the battle of salvation is the Lord’s.