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EXPRESSIONS OF FAITH II – ‘Faith Relationship with God

 What can believers take from the faith expressions of Job, Abraham, and Mary? The three had a “faith in God” that made them to accept their circumstances. We could say Job had the gift of ‘spiritual faith’ judged by his loyalty and faithfulness to God in enduring Satan’s spiritual warfare.

Abraham’s faith could align with the ‘general Godly faith’ derived from the desire to cultivate a personal and direct relationship with God (Genesis 17:1-2). Mary’s faith could locate in ‘religious faith’ because she believed the angel’s prophecy was a fulfilment of God’s promise to Israel in the Judaic faith.

Like these examples, it is important for believers desiring a faith relationship with God to appropriately locate and cement your faith by conviction rather than by tradition.

 a) No faith is insufficient to achieve a purpose of God

 Believers should consider that it would make no difference to God in terms of the faiths expressed by Job, Abraham, and Mary and the outcomes since God was pleased with their relationships equally and achieved His purposes by them. Taking Job’s case for instance it would be inconceivable that the Almighty God would lose a contest to Satan over Job’s integrity, when He had vouched for it.

Thus, brethren, do not think that your faith is insufficient to achieve any purpose of God in your life.

God knows you and has supplied the measure of faith that you need to endure whatever the affliction. This is unlike Satan who was trying every affliction possible in order to break Job but without effect. Therefore let not any difficult situation affect your ‘faith in God’, mindful of Satan’s jealousy of your faith relationship with God and his desire “to sift you as wheat” and accuse you before God (Luke 22:31; Revelation 12:10; 2 Corinthians 2:11).

You need to resist the devil by refraining your lips from sinning or charging God foolishly (Job 1:22). Bolster your faith by using the word of God to silence your critics as Job did, resting your faith that God is faithful to bring you out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

 b) Seek Godly Counsel to Resolve Doubts

 Believers should be aware that it is perfectly normal to have doubts such as is expressed in Mary’s faith. But in case of any doubt regarding God’s word, it is important for one to seek guidance from God as Mary did. There may be a spiritual aspect to one’s circumstances which may not have been fully discerned, so you may find your faith wavering or in a ‘cooler’.

But as the angel was prepared to give further guidance to Mary, so too will the Holy Spirit be at hand to give believers guidance on the things of God that you may desire to understand (John 16:13 & 14:26; Philippians 3:15). Do not seek answers on spiritual things from worldly sources; it can jeopardise your faith! (1 Corinthians 2:14).

 c) Deepened Faith Relationship brings about change

 By the expressions of Job’s, Abraham and Mary’s faiths, they were unknowingly each establishing a deeper relationship with God, while God achieves his purposes by them. That is, Job’s steadfast integrity through affliction won victory over Satan; Abraham’s forsaking home and family for an uncertain destination obtained the promise of inheritance – Isaac; and Mary bearing God’s Son who would fulfil the promise of salvation.

So too, believers who maintain a relationship with God by submitting to his purpose will cultivate a deeper relationship as one gains knowledge and understanding in his ways. Invariably, as the faith endures and the relationship deepens, it leads to change or bring about newness in our lives as it occurred in the lives of these three faithful:

Job obtained deeper knowledge of God (Job 42:1-6 & ch.38-41) with renewed wealth and family. Abraham obtained a renewed covenant to inherit fatherhood of “many nations” (instead of ‘a nation’), and a name change from “Abram” to Abraham (Genesis 17:4-7). And Mary’s life changed from being a “handmaiden of low estate” to one whom “from henceforth all generations shall call … blessed” (Luke 1:48)I.

 d) Be Aware of the ‘Cost’ in Faith Relationship

 But believers must also be aware that with the deepening of faith relationship with God and the ensuing change is usually an associated “cost” – e.g. Abraham forsaking his home; Job losing everything; and Mary having to flee to Egypt to protect her son (Matthew 2:13-15).

The costs in these expressions speak exactly to the cost of salvation, where the faith of believers in the Messiah may like that of  Abraham require one to abandon the old traditions for the new life in the Spirit of Christ. Also friends and families of different faiths may reject you because you believe in Christ. Moreover, belief in Christ does usher in a new life towards an uncertain journey, which like Abraham, a believer chooses to take in order to fulfill God’s purpose with guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus warns of such cost that believers would face in the world as  “tribulation”; or the cost of discipleship and bearing the “cross”. He calls on all believers to contemplate the cost of building faith relationship as they embark on it (John 16:33; Luke 14:26-29). And like Job’s victory over Satan, so too would believers overcome the world in tribulation because of the faith of Christ Hallelujah!


Almighty Father, thank you for your word and your gift of faith to thy children.

Dear Father, perfect their faith relationship with you and afford them the measure of faith that they each need to fulfil thy purpose in their lives. Gracious Lord, help them to withstand all the temptations that may befall them in the expression of their faith as they deepen their relationship with thee.

 I make this prayer in JESUS NAME. Have a blessed Sabbath!

 Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG)

1 September 2017.

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