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AGENCY OF LIES II- ‘The Character of Lies’

Brethren, because the ‘Spirit of Lies’ always opposes or mimics the truth and is motivated by vanity and lusts, it is not easily discerned or acknowledged by the liar. Its manifestation is subtle, crafty, seeking to beguile you as he did Eve. (Genesis 3:1 & 13; 2 Corinthians 11:3,13-15). Also, realising the lies may be elusive because it is conditioned by the lustful desire that one seeks to achieve; the lust makes lying appear to be justified, or explains as a truth that is not.

 The Spirit of Lies manifest in fleshly traits of deceit, hypocrisy, distortion, “empty talk”, false pretences, false witness, manipulation, dishonesty, craftiness, double-standards, enticing etc. (2 Corinthians 4:2; Acts 20:3; Titus 1:10 “Galatians 2:4). We now examine the character of lies involving deceit and hypocrisy:


“Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil” (Proverbs 12:20). If your heart holds good thoughts, you cannot imagine deceit. One can only seek to deceive another after conceiving an evil thought in the heart. For instance, when a couple sold their land and sought to deceive the Apostle Peter, he said: “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? (Acts 5:3). Deceit may give the liar instant gratification or may adversely impact on another.

 Brethren deception is evil and of the Spirit of Satan (Genesis 3:13; Psalm 52:2-5; 58:3-4). Satan would deceive the liar first before he, as Satan’s agent, can seek to deceive others. Note that Eve was deceived first before she recruited Adam to lying.

The liar deceives himself first, when he hopes to get the desired effect to make another perceive his lies as real. It is immaterial whether the liar believes in the lie or not; rather, it is causing the other person to believe in the lies for the benefit of the Liar that is evil. For example, the benefit to Satan for deceiving Eve was to get them to disobey and be separated from God. So, he let her believe the lie that God’s word was untrue so that she would disobey it. Beware brethren! The deceptive spirit is subtle. To avoid him, do not imagine evil in your heart.


Hypocrisy is a manifestation of the ‘Spirit of Lies. Generally, it involves doing things for the eye-seeing of men or having ‘double standards. Hypocrites are like “whited sepulchres, [which] appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness”. (Matthew 23:15, 25). False pretence, false witness and manipulation are ingredients of lies that nourish hypocrisy.

 Lies of hypocrisy occur in cases where one seeks to out-smart others; or bear false witness in order to gain an advantage; or where one holds others to higher standards than they themselves can meet; or where one changes their position on something because it does not serve their interests- moving  the goal-post; or where one judges others for the same things they do. (Romans 2:1-3; Matthew 7:4-5; John 7:24; Psalm 58:1-2).  

Hypocrisy thus, is a contest between the ‘Spirit of Truth’ and the ‘Spirit of Lies’. But the main evil in it is that the hypocrite nurtures the lying spirit by lying to himself mainly- e.g. lying to out-smart others thinking you are clever; or twisting things to fit your own lens.

It is hypocrisy, to sacrifice material things to God rather than spiritual things; considering that “God is a Spirit” and should be worshipped in spirit and truth. (John 4:24). For example, to pay tithes, but neglect to observe the spiritual sacrifices – “justice, mercy, and faithfulness”, is hypocrisy. It is also hypocrisy for one to regard something that is of spiritual value as having lesser significance to that which is of material benefit because it serves your purpose. (Matthew 23:16,23).

Note that “Scribes”, “Pharisees” and those who deem themselves “experts in the law” or experts in some other discipline are prone to the spirit of lies, hypocrisy, false pretences and manipulation (Luke 11:52; Galatians 2:4).


Brethren beware that the devil will only use your lusts and evil imaginations to pollute your spirit with deceit and hypocrisy. Therefore, always be of sound mind and always think about things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, are of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy and the spirit of lies will not tempt you to his agency (Philippians 4:8).

The next message will explain the attributes of lying as an agent of Satan

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