The desire to tell a lie is always accompanied by a motive. Usually the person lying intends that the lies will achieve a desired purpose or effect – whether it is to save a given situation or to acquire a benefit. In other words, each time a lie is told, there is some lustful or vane desire that is sought after. The liar may convince himself that the motive for lying is well-intended, but this does not change the lie into a truth. This is the foundation of the “slanderous” saying, “do evil that good may come”. (Romans 3:8)
With the truth however, one need not have a motive for being truthful. The truth shall remain whether one gains or loses something by choosing its path. “The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment”. (Proverb 12:19). Therefore, people of God, beware that lying is not a safe foundation to build on. It may only sustain till it accomplishes the desired material gratification before it collapses, and someone is hurt or ruined.