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‘PROMISED LAND’ – A Christmas Message


At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus (i.e. the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God made human). Jesus is the “seed” of the lineage of David, whose earthly ministry occurred on the “Promised Land” of Israel.

While many would immediately connect the idea of God’s “Promised Land” with the physical State of Israel and Jews, or identity in Jesus Christ, or carnal application of scriptural events, this message should rather make you reflect on the spiritual purpose of the “Promised Land” – the promise of spiritual dominion over evil.


God had created the earth and “man” (Adam), and gave him dominion to rule over it, in a spiritual relationship with God. Man sinned and fell to evil and a cursed land of “sorrow” “thorns”, “thistles” and hard labour. (Genesis 2:8; 3:17-19).

But God, desiring to encourage a spiritual relationship with man once again, called Abraham, and asked him to get out of his “country”, his “kindred”, and his “father’s house” unto a land that God will show him. He also said to him: “Unto thy seed will I give this land” – The “Promised Land”.  (Genesis 12:1 &7; Exodus 6:3-4; Hebrew 11:8-9; Ezekiel 46:16).

God confirmed the covenant of the “Promised Land” to Moses by a promise to deliver the “children of Israel”, from the land of affliction and bondage (Egypt), and bring them “unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey…”. (Exodus 3:8,9 ,17). And God would take them for a people and he would be unto them a God. (Exodus 6:6-7; 2 Timothy 2.19).

Brethren, the “Promised Land” signifies the promise of God to reclaim the earth that fell unto evil, and to restore the spiritual dominion of his people over the evil in the world.


The promise of “Land” also entailed the gift of promise unto Abraham’s “seed”. Jesus, God’s son, is the “seed” from the lineage of David, son of Abraham. (Matthew 1:1;17; Deuteronomy 4:37-38).

Brethren, the spiritual purpose of the promise was to separate “a people” that would commit to serve THE ONE TRUE GOD; and by them to bring the knowledge of God and his “seed” Jesus Christ, to the world. (John 17:2-3). It was also to reveal God’s power to redeem his people from sin and the bondage of evil in the world, and through faith in Jesus his son, to offer them a new life with spiritual dominion over evil.

This spiritual purpose is illustrated by the promise to Abraham to  birth  a son (Isaac), in his old age and a test to sacrifice his son; which was impossible to accomplish physically. For example, Abraham believed that God will provide the lamb or will raise him from the dead and was willing to sacrifice his son. (Genesis 22:8; Hebrew 11:17-19).

But God forbade the sacrifice and provided the Lamb for the sacrifice; signifying the power of God to accomplish his promise for his own purpose by his own strength. As righteous as Abraham was, his sacrifice would not restore man’s spiritual dominion over evil in the earth nor redeem from sin. This spiritual dominion could only come by God.

So, in his infinite wisdom, God who is a Spirit, made the mysterious plan to restore the spiritual dominion of man over evil by the incarnation of the spirt of his Word into the person of Jesus. And thereby he brought the redemptive grace to all mankind who would believe in his name. (John 3:16). And the scripture attests to this saying: “… they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them”. (Psalm 44:3).


Brethren, God’s promise of “land” which is gifted to Abraham’s “seed” symbolises a call of his people  to the faith in the grace of his son Jesus Christ by which  they could obtain spiritual dominion over evil: – the “new covenant”. This covenant of dominion by grace, is not like the old covenant that God made with the children of Israel when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. (Jeremiah 31:32; Hebrew 8:8-10).

This grace covenant entailed the absolute forgiveness of sins; and the indwelling of God’s word in the “inward parts” and “hearts” of men. It ensured the wider knowledge of God; and the ability of “his people” to cultivate a personal spiritual relationship with him by faith. (Jeremiah 31:33-34; Hebrew 8:11-13).

Thus, the covenant of Spiritual dominion herald God’s Grace over man’s sacrifices; love over punishment (the reward for sin); worship of God in truth from the heart over religious traditions and doctrines of men (John; 4:23-24; Mark 7:7-9); and the teaching of the Spirit over flesh or carnal wisdom. (Psalm 40:6-8; Galatians 5:16; 1 Corinthians 2:4-5).

God’s “promise of dominion over the earth” by the spirit of grace of his son Jesus Christ is symbolised severally by revelations: to the fathers in the “Promised land”; to the prophets as the “promised messiah”, the saviour and peace; to the judges as the promise of justice for the poor; and to the world as  the promised “King of Kings”, who will reign God’s glory on the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit.


God accomplished the “Promised land” (spiritual dominion) and the gift of the “seed” by the power of his Spirit that manifested in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of Christ is necessary for spiritual dominion because it would be physically impossible for all of God’s people to worship God on the land of Israel; or to acquire dominion over all the evil in the world by a physical presence in Israel; or by observance of the Levitical temple doctrines, of which we cannot now speak particularly. (Hebrew 9:1-5, 9-12).

Therefore, the Spirit of the LORD endowed Jesus with wisdom, understanding, counsel and might, knowledge, and of the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:1-2). This anointing gave Jesus the dominion over evil in the world, including, the power to declare liberty to the captives and to open prison to them that are bound. (Isaiah 61:1-3).


Brethren, God shall make available this anointing of the spiritual dominion of his son over evil, to those who would believe on his name.  The Spirit of the Lord would empower believers, to defeat the evil way of  Satan and evil. The redeemed will obtain spiritual powers “to build the old wastes”, “raise up the former desolations”, “repair the waste cities” and, “the desolations of many generations” engendered by Satan’s dominion of evil in the world. (Isaiah 61:4)


My people of God, the spiritual dominion over evil is not exercised by physical “might or power, “but by faith in the power of the “Spirit of God”. (Zechariah 4:6). This is because our war is against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places that cannot be seen physically. (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, believers need to know some basic principles of spiritual dominion:

There must be complete trust in the love of God and his son, and in his spiritual gifts. The anointing will help believers to only fear God and to submit to him when the face the evil of this world: (Isaiah 11:3).

Also, since we confront Satan, a spiritual adversary which is not visible, we must not judge things by what we see with our eyes or rebuke things on the basis of what we hear with our ears: In other words, one should not be hasty to react to any situation. Believers must live in the spirit, and walk by the spirit. (Isaiah 11:4; Galatians 5:25).

But if one must judge or reprove others, do so with righteousness, humility and equity – i.e., become the standard by which you judge others. Jesus, explains the principle saying that one must “cast out the beam out of thine own eye: and then shall thou see clearly to cast out the mote from thy brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5). This standard will encourage the spirit of humility over the evil of pride which is Satan’s domain.

Further, righteousness and faithfulness towards God’s word and confidence in his power to defeat evil should compel us to restrain from doing or reacting to evil, and to avoid being consumed by it. (Psalm 37:8; Ephesians 4: 26-27). For in adhering to this way, believers in Christ would come to true dominion and a reign of peace in the midst of evil.

They “shall smite the earth with the rod of …mouth, and with the breath of [the] lips shall [they] shall slay the wicked”. (Isaiah 11:4-5). In other words, believers shall be able to withstand and endure any enemy, persecution or temptation; and by the weapons of restraint, faith and prayer, they shall tame even the fiercest enemy (Issaih 11:6).

Finally, depending on a believer’s spiritual growth and maturity – (as a “little child”, “sucking child”, or a “weaned child”); – he will be able to lead all kinds of people (righteous or wicked). He can also “play on the hole of the asp [or] put his hand on the cockatrice’ den”. (Issaih 11:6-8; Psalm 8:2). And the weapons of Satan and evil shall not hurt or destroy any of God’s people who are in the kingdom of Christ Jesus, and who observe the soft power of spiritual dominion. (Isaiah 11:6-9)



Jesus is the promised dominion prepared by God for believers to live a life of peace by faith in God’s kingdom, where evil cannot overcome them. As the Children of Israel encountered a lot of opposition to go into the physical “Promised Land”, so too, believers seeking a spiritual life of truth in Christ (“milk and honey”), and dominion over evil, would encounter many spiritual battles and trials. (John 16:33; Acts 14:22).

True dominion over evil comes from the confidence and courage to trust in the power of God, that is reposed in the name of Jesus Christ, and a willingness to be led by his Holy Spirit. Believers seeking spiritual growth and maturity for dominion over evil should understand that spiritual dominion is a process.

They will need to renew the mind, part with the “old man” (i.e. worldly beliefs, attitudes and behaviours; and make a commitment to nurture especially the spiritual fruits of love, gentleness, temperance and patience. (Ephesians 4:22-24; Galatians 5:22).


Almighty Father, I thank you for your word. We praise you for your gift of Jesus Christ ,and the power of spiritual dominion over evil bought for us.

Dear God, grant thy people spiritual dominion to break a bow of steel with their hands; give them courage not to fear evil but to fear only You.

Mighty God, ordain strength in their mouths to still the enemy and the avenger that torment them. Delink them from every spiritual activity that is not of God and deliver them from spiritual oppression.

Holy Spirit of Truth help them nurture the soft powers of spiritual dominion especially love, gentleness, temperance and patience and give them peace.

I make this prayer in JESUS NAME.



Lots of Love, P. Schwartz (SOG) 25 December 2023

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