It is every parents’ desire to provide quality food for their children that will ensure them a healthy life. Such a parent will identify the dietary course, the nourishing value, and seek to preserve the food source. This is our position as children in relation to our Father God’s Kingdom on earth and his provision for mankind of the bread of life – the sacrifice of Jesus Christ by death and resurrection as the food source to obtain the spiritual life of our father God, who is a Spirit.
The obedient child would desire the food that the parent provides, appreciate the value of the diet, and preserve the food source to nourish for a spiritual life in God. But a disobedient child could equally choose to reject the parent’s food in order to satisfy his own desire or lust for other unhealthy and perishable food source.
This message presents the ‘bread of life’ as God’s source of unperishable food for a spiritual life offered to those who would believe in his sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. It illustrates other sources of perishable foods through the symbolism of the ‘desert manner’ and the ‘law’. It shows that Jesus is God’s certified course for a healthy diet that does not lead to death; and that his words give life through the feeding of the Holy Spirit.